Last Activity: 3 Months ago
About Me:
Forklift Operation
Pallet Jack Operation
Cash Handling
Road Construction
Point of Sale System
Multi-Combination Vehicle Operations
Retail Sales
Channel Marketing
Trade Marketing
Point of Purchase Marketing
Road Paving
Cleaning and Housekeeping
Operational Maintenance
Retail Industry Knowledge
Medium Rigid (MR) Truck Driving
8 Ton Truck Bulk Delivery
Steel Handling
Timber Handling
Ratchet Straps Usage
Tautliner Operation
Cash Sales Management
Heavy Labouring
Outdoor Labouring
Asphalt Handling
Container Unloading
Local Driving Routes
General Freight Handling
Manual Gearbox Handling
Pantech Truck Operation
Nissan UD Truck Operations
Mitsubishi Equipment Operation
Split Gearbox Operation
Turf Management
Regional and Country Logistics Coordination
Service Station Console Operator
Automatic Transmission Operation
Light Rigid Truck Operation
Car Driving License
Work History
1/2019 - 6/2021
Tingalpa Landscape Supplies
MR TRUCK DRIVER/STOREPERSON: Job included getting trucks loaded with soil, gravels, sand, timber sleepers/posts, pavers, cement bags or concrete slabs and tipping them at customers required location or hand unloading at location. Also spent time working in the yard helping customers pick out product and driver a loader to help load product into customers vehicle or trailer. On slower days would wash trucks/ loaders inside and out and grease up the loaders and trucks.
10/2015 - 10/2018
Dutt transport
MR Delivery driver: For the 3 Years I spent at Dutt Transport I was driving an MR split shift Mitsubishi Fuzo every day. My roles included picking up and delivering shop and general freight throughout the day all over Brisbane, The Gold Coast and The Sunshine Coast. Most shop I had to break down and help deliver into shops such a Coles, Woolworths, 7/11 and other major retail stores. Most general freight was forklifted off in which I had to open and close the curtains as I did back at the depot to get loaded as well. Other places that did not have a forklift we had to operate a tail lifter and use a pallet jack to unload the freight. During this time I gained a lot of experience driving and operating an MR truck and knowledge of roads all over South East Queensland.
6/2013 - 10/2015
Hopkins transport Australia
Laborer: I Spent 2 years unloading and loading b-double trailers and semi-trailers at Hopkins transport. My role is to lead trucks out to various farms chicken farms around south east Queensland and either load or unload them. During this role I have gained experience working with chickens, eggs, different types of trucks and trailers.
7/2012 - 3/2013
Alpha Work Force
Construction Laborer: (Various locations inc. Logan City Council RCM) I have spent 12 months working with trades and labour and alpha work force doing various construction roles. In this time I spent 9 months working at Logan City Council at both the Munruben and Marsden Depots. During this time, I have gained experience in road construction and maintenance roles and have operated small machinery such as wackerpackers, quick cut saws, jack hammers and drills. Having my MR license, I have also driven maintenance vehicles when the regular driver was not available. I have assisted council crews in the construction of manholes and curbs, and I have also been employed in the maintenance of roadways including maintenance and pothole repairs.
4/2011 - 6/2012
Farm Hand: • Packed eggs from fillers to setter trays • Packed pallets with eggs on cardboard fillers • Washed out the cold room A physically demanding and fast paced position, I was responsible for the packing and preparation of produce to meet customers' requirements. This included the packing of produce onto setter trolleys, fillers and pallets.
8/2009 - 4/2011
Big Gun Fruit Market
Produce/Register Supervisor: • Rotating and maintaining stock levels of fresh produce • Unloading produce from delivery to storage facilities including fridges • Served customers and supervised cash register attendants • Stocktaking of produce ensuring adequate levels maintained. A responsible position managing the store stock levels of produce, I also supervised staff at the point of sale and oversaw cash register operations.