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About Me:
Operations Management
Linehaul Driving
Multi-Combination Vehicle Operation
Road Ranger Gearbox (Full Manual)
Parcel Delivery
Tautliner Operation
Truck Loading and Unloading
Transport Yard Operations
Sydney Local Knowledge
Changeover Procedures
Local Driving Routes
General Freight Handling
Automatic Transmission Operation
Volvo Equipment Knowledge
Ford Truck Operation
Scania Expertise
Express Freight Handling
Drop Deck Trailer Operation
Dangerous Goods Handling
Regional and Country Logistics Coordination
Car Driving License
Medium Rigid (MR) Truck Driving
Heavy Rigid (HR) Truck Driving
Light Rigid Truck Operation
Heavy Combination Vehicle Driving
Road Ranger (Auto)
Manual Gearbox Handling
Work History
11/1990 - 11/2014
Operations Manager / Truck Driver: - My duties as Operations Manager were to ensure all company vehicles were drive and to comply with NSW road rules. - Follow up on any incidents involving other employees and vehicles - Ensure vehicles were always maintained and roadworthy - Oversee all company operations while the working Managing Director was overseas on holidays. - Ensure all drivers hired had insurance and the required clean driving licenses. - Loading for Australia Post at Chullora and running from Sydney to Macksville change overs plus straight through runs Sydney to Brisbane/Underwood with Linfox B-Double trailers. - As a truck driver my focus was to ensure timely and safe delivery of goods, driving within the legal hours allotted me under my Fatigue Management Accreditation. 2014 - present - I relocated to Brisbane in January 2014. - I have my fork lift licence - Since this time, I have been casually employed by Transtar Linehaul, driving a "B" Double between Brisbane and Sydney as a "fill in" driver when drivers are ill or on holiday. I believe I have developed strong attention to detail and my driving record speaks for itself (in a good way). I am seeking casual employment and would be happy to be placed on either a casual or permanent roster.
2/1981 - 11/1990
Self Employed
Self Employed: Driving first an 8 tonne rigid and then a Louisville semi-trailer, I drove out of various places eg. Woolworths, Insulco, etc. At each of these places, I was sometimes required to load and off load stock from my truck via fork lift.