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About Me:
Healthcare Industry Knowledge
Asset Management and Variation Analysis
Work History
11/2019 - 0/0
Valiant Finance
Senior Product Specialist: Valiant Finance - Senior Product Specialist November 2019 - Present As a product specialist (aka. finance broker) my primary objective is to find the most appropriate finance solution to a client's needs in the shortest time frame possible. The day-to-day operating rhythm involves fielding calls from the digital team and/or dealing with clients of the referrer network and matching their needs with lenders on our panel.
6/2018 - 0/0
Graze Grind Grow
Owner & Managing Director: GGG was founded on the back of my decision to return to health and fitness (almost 6 years after I left the industry, to pursue interests in sales and finance). As a Hybrid Coach, I worked with a niche market to bridge the gap between strength, conditioning and rehab.
6/2019 - 10/2019
Suttons Group - Volvo
Assistant Sales Manager & Business Manager: A 'hybrid' role undertaken whilst at Volvo Cars Northern Beaches - the focus was toward Volvo sales, but I also looked after some of the management responsibilities from time to time. Having also maintained my finance accreditations gave me an 'edge' - being able to sell, quote and run all the bases with a customer.
2/2019 - 5/2019
New Vehicle Sales Consultant, Business Manager:
2/2019 - 5/2019
Alto Group - Holden, Hyundai & Skoda
New Vehicle Sales Consultant & Business Manager: I re-entered the industry with Alto's off the back of a referral from my old colleagues. Initially, I came back to sell Holden, but quickly found they didn't sell like they used to, and so, when a position in the finance team became available, I might the jump back into the chair (coincidentally, with Hyundai again).
10/2017 - 4/2018
Business Development Manager:
5/2015 - 9/2017
Lending Manager & Business Development Manager: