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About Me:
Multi-Combination Vehicle Operation
ZF Gearbox Operation
Road Ranger Gearbox (Full Manual)
Overdimensional Load Handling
Refrigerated Transport
Tautliner Operation
Walking Floor Trailer Operation
Linehaul Driving
General Freight Handling
Mack Truck Operations
Kenworth Equipment Knowledge
Volvo Equipment Knowledge
Scania Expertise
MAN Truck Operation
Freightliner Equipment Proficiency
Iveco Trucks Operation
DAF Trucks Operation
Drop Deck Trailer Operation
Western Star Trucks
Truck Operation
Split Gearbox Operation
Regional and Country Logistics Coordination
Changeover Procedures
Manual Gearbox Handling
Automatic Transmission Operation
Road Ranger (Auto)
Car Driving License
Medium Rigid (MR) Truck Driving
Heavy Rigid (HR) Truck Driving
Light Rigid Truck Operation
Heavy Combination Vehicle Driving
Work History
4/2017 - 0/0
Driver Recritment
Truck Driver: MC Casual Distance driver
2/2016 - 3/2017
Greenfreight Transort
Driver: Vehicles driven : Kenworth K104, K108, K200, Freightliner Argosy 110”, Scania R580, DAF XF. Various tautliners, refrigerated rollback B-Double, dock work etc. Wodonga - Melbourne run, Wodonga - Brisbane and Brisbane - Sydney. 17 hour days to the limit of BFM. A lot of loading dock reversing with 4.6 B-Double drop decks into various Woolworths DC's. Also mass management 68 ton loads for Vitasoy in Baranduda ( Wodonga ).
1/2015 - 1/2016
Kimberley Clark
Driver: Through owner driver contracting to Scotts of Mt Gambier. Millicent to Brisbane and then Sydney and Melbourne. 4.6m drop decks loaded with toilet paper running to VERY specific time slots for Kimberly Clark. Driving Freightliner Argosy 101" with Auto shift.
1/2015 - 1/2016
LINFOX through contractors
Driver: LOAD walking floor single trailer with UNWRAPPED pallets of glass ( stubbies ) for transport to CUB brewery in Abbotsford Melbourne and unload onto production line. Kenworth K104 with Roadranger and extremely SMOOTH driving required to prevent glass from falling and smashing in the trailer !
1/2014 - 1/2015
Driver: Through SBA Transport contracted to Toll/Ipec running IPEC Express Altona to Larapinta Brisbane. Kenworth K108 Big Cab, manual Roadranger. Required to keep to precise speed on GPS log of every trip whilst delivering on time for time slotted bookings.
1/2005 - 1/2008
Visyboard Pty ltd
Driver: Through RWP Transport in Brisbane ( ceased trading ) carting Visy Reels of paper in Freightliner Argosy B-Double 4.3 ( road ranger manual ) mainly Melbourne to Brisbane, but also Tumut and Sydney work. Mass management experience and loading of reels to proper safety standard.