HC Cane Truck Drivers ( Heck Group )
Beenleigh Rocky Point Sugar Mill

What we offer:
Competitive wages
8hr and 12hr shifts available
Retention and performance bonus at end of season
A supportive team environment
A commitment to safety
You will require:
at least 2 years driving experience in HC/MC class
ability to work rotating day and night shifts
18-speed road ranger experience
Ability to comfortably reverse accurately
Semi finger dock reversing or previous cane experience a benefit
An attitude of safety while working in a team environment
Be reliable
We are Now seeking committed individuals to work with our team for 2020 Rocky Point Sugar Mill Crushing season near Beenleigh commencing now.
Full training and support is provided
If you think this is you then text 0427991353 or e-mail to murray.h@heckgroup.com.au for application process
OR Click on ‘Apply Now’ and follow the prompts.
Job Categories:Brisbane Local Knowledge, Driver Jobs in QLD, HC, HC Semi, Local Work, Queensland, Regional/Country Runs.Job Tags:BEENLEIGH, Driving, HC Licence, HC Semi,Heavy Combination,Prime Mover,Semi Trailer,HC Driver,semi driver,semi driving,HC Truck,HC Truck Driver, Heck Group, Local Knowledge Brisbane,Brisbane Local, Local Work, Regional,Country, Transport & Logistics, truck driver,truck driving,truck drivers,drivers.