21 Aug
HC local Flattop driver ( 1800DRIVERS )
- Great Pay
- Great company, good equipment
- Call till 8 PM weekdays or Chat online - www.drivers.com.au
HC Licence - White card would be good but if don't have will work out. Forklift Ticket would be good but if do not have one they'll work around.

HC local flattop driver required for drops, HC Licence – White card would be good but if don’t have will work out. A Forklift ticket would be good but if do not have one they’ll work around it. Exp with delivery to building sites would be good and exp with frame work
Job Tags:1800DRIVERS, Auto, Drivers, Driving, flat bed, Flat Top, Flat Tops, Flattop, Flattops, HC Driver, HC Semi, HC Truck, HC Truck Driver, Heavy Combination, Local Knowledge Sydney, Local Work, Prime Mover, Ratchet Straps, semi driver, semi driving, Semi Trailer, SMEATON GRANGE, Steel, straps and winches, Sydney Local, truck driver, truck drivers, truck driving, Volvo.