19 Jun
MC DRIVERS REQUIRED ( Specialised Transport Services )
Anywhere, SYDNEY, Australia
- Above Award Wages Get Paid For KM You Do NOT GPO TO GPO
- Diesel Bunk Coolers
- 1 Truck 1 Driver
MC Drivers Required for B-Double work operating between Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide & North QLD position suits operators based in Brisbane, Sydney, Wollongong or Southern Highlands NSW areas

MC DRIVERS REQUIRED Positions would suit drivers based in Southern Highlands NSW, Wollongong, Sydney or Brisbane
MC drivers required for small team environment driving B-double tautliners & open trailers running Syd, Melb, Bris, Adel & North Qld Job involves a mixture of general & machinery freight suit someone based Brisbane, Sydney, Wollongong or Southern Highlands NSW areas
- Late Model Equipment
- 1 Truck 1 Driver Policy
- Diesel Bunk Coolers
- Above Award Wages
- Paid Loading & Unloading
- Get pain for the actual KM you do paid off satellite KM not GPO to GPO
- Current MC Licence
- Current Licence History Printout * Less than 30 Days Old
- Must be able to drive 18 speed manual roadranger
- BFM or willing to obtain
- Must have professional attitude
- Must be clean, tidy & presentable at all times
- Must have good organisational & housekeeping
- MSIC Card * Not Essential
- Bulk D.G Licence * Not essential
PHONE: 0493 050 145 ** If there is no answer, TXT NAME, LOCATION & CONTACT NUMBER
Job Tags:D/G Licence, HC Licence, MC Licence, Specialised Transport Services.