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16 Oct 2023

5x HC Truck Drivers ( Newcastle Bulk Haulage )



3 semi flocon drivers & 2 truck and dog drivers. Immediate start

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Casual for 3 month trial, full time positions available at end of trial for multiple employees

Night and day shift, roadranger experience preferred however not essential, ashpalt experience preferred

Work consisting of Asphalt and aggregate transport, substantial customer base and growing, mainly local work.

Full time rates

$34 days $37 nights

Casual includes %30 loading

$44.2 days $38.10 nights

Overtime penalties paid as 1.5x and 2x

Lunch break paid (8 hour day min full time)

Min 20 hours a week paid for casuals (4hrs a day)


HC License

Rms printout

Driver medical assessment with drug/alcohol testing

Driving assessment (done in-house)

White card

Worker on foot (not essential)

Powerline awareness for truck and dog positions

Job Tags:HC Licence, HEATHERBRAE, Newcastle Bulk Haulage, Traffic History, White/Green OH&S Card.

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