21 Mar
HC Truck Driver ( td600trucking )
- depot to depot
- early finish
- good money
delivering steel, must have road ranger experience

We are a small family business. you can contact Ricki on 03 53 428 166 or 0409 404 153 for any other enquiries you may have.
Deliver steel from West Melbourne to local surrounding areas. Fill in paperwork and emailng to us after each day, must be reliable, hard working and honest. Wantin to start ASAP
Pay is really good for the hours you work, and incentives are available
Job Categories:Driver Jobs in VIC, Flat Top (Trailer), HC, HC Semi, Iveco, Local Work, Melbourne Local Knowledge, Ratchet Straps, Road Ranger, Steel, Victoria.Job Tags:Car Licence, Driving, Flat Top,Flattop,Flat Tops,Flattops,flat-top, HC Licence, HC Semi,Heavy Combination,Prime Mover,Semi Trailer,HC Driver,semi driver,semi driving,HC Truck,HC Truck Driver, Iveco, Local Knowledge Melbourne,Melbourne Local, Local Work, Road Ranger,Eaton, Steel, strapsandwinches:,straps,Ratchet Straps, td600trucking, truck driver,truck driving,truck drivers,drivers, WEST MELBOURNE.