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Job Tags:Auto, Dantrans Pty Ltd, Driving, Flat Top,Flattop,Flat Tops,Flattops,flat-top,flat bed,Flat Top,Flattop,flatbed, ForkLift (LF), Forklift,Fork,Fork-lift,F/L,fork lift,lf, HC Licence, HC Semi,Heavy Combination,Prime Mover,Semi Trailer,HC Driver,semi driver,semi driving,HC Truck,HC Truck Driver, Local Work, MC B Double,B Double,B-Double,Multi Combination,Multi-Combination,MC Driver, MC Licence, Moffat,Mounty,Truck Mounted Forklift,moffet,Truck mounted fork, Regional,Country, Road Ranger,Eaton, TOOWOOMBA, Transport & Logistics, truck driver,truck driving,truck drivers,drivers.
11 Jul
WANTED – FULL-TIME TRUCK DRIVER -29060 ( Dantrans Pty Ltd )
- HC or MC Licence
- All entitlements paid - Overtime, Penalty Rates, Allowances
- Start and finish work daily Toowoomba
HC or MC truck driver with Forklift licence LF - Full-time, Dantrans Toowoomba based
- Start and finish work daily Toowoomba
- Work Monday to Friday
- Volvo trucks – NHVAS maintenance
- Small friendly team
- All entitlements paid – Overtime, Penalty Rates, Allowances, SG.
Delivering bricks, blocks, pavers and pallet freight across South-East Qld.
Click on ‘Apply Now’ and follow the prompts.
Job Categories:Auto (Fully Automatic - not Road Ranger), Flat Top, Forklift, Forklift Ticket, HC, HC Semi, Local Work, Manual gear box, MC, MC B Double, Moffet, Regional/Country Runs, Road Ranger(Full Manual).Job Tags:Auto, Dantrans Pty Ltd, Driving, Flat Top,Flattop,Flat Tops,Flattops,flat-top,flat bed,Flat Top,Flattop,flatbed, ForkLift (LF), Forklift,Fork,Fork-lift,F/L,fork lift,lf, HC Licence, HC Semi,Heavy Combination,Prime Mover,Semi Trailer,HC Driver,semi driver,semi driving,HC Truck,HC Truck Driver, Local Work, MC B Double,B Double,B-Double,Multi Combination,Multi-Combination,MC Driver, MC Licence, Moffat,Mounty,Truck Mounted Forklift,moffet,Truck mounted fork, Regional,Country, Road Ranger,Eaton, TOOWOOMBA, Transport & Logistics, truck driver,truck driving,truck drivers,drivers.